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Webinar series “AI in action” – SCAI x datacraft

En partenariat avec datacraft, SCAI (Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence) organise le 6 mai un webinaire l’IA en Action”

SCAI launches a series of webinars called “AI in action” on the diverse application fields of AI. Each webinar will take place in English on Zoom one Tuesday per month at 4pm (Paris time). For each webinar, one renown expert will present how AI is implemented in his/her field of expertise and will be able to exchange with the public. The webinars last approximately one hour and are aimed at a large audience: students, professionals, managers, engineers…

The webinars are free. You can register via Eventbrite (not mandatory).

The webinar on April 6th will deal with the topic “Understanding the business value and risks of artificial intelligence” and will be presented by Theodoros Evgeniou.
Theodoros Evgeniou is Professor at INSEAD since 2001, working on Machine Learning and AI for the past 25 years, on areas ranging from AI innovations for business process optimization and improving decisions, to data literacy and business transformation practices, AI and regulation, as well as on new Machine Learning methods. He has four degrees from MIT, two BSc degrees simultaneously, Computer Science and Mathematics, a Master and a PhD degree in Computer Science. His work has appeared in leading journals, such as in Science Magazine, Machine Learning, Nature Digital Medicine, HBR magazine, and others. He is currently director of the INSEAD Executive Education programs on “Transforming your Business with AI” and “AI for Business”. He is a member of the OECD Network of Experts on AI, an advisor for the BCG Henderson Institute, and a World Economic Forum academic partner for Artificial Intelligence. He gives talks and consults for a number of organizations in his areas of expertise.

Plus d’informations : Events (sorbonne-universite.fr)

Lien pour les inscriptions :  Eventbrite 

Contact : scai@sorbonne-universite.fr


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