Representativeness bias in artificial intelligence

Representativeness bias in artificial intelligence

Binaire, le blog informatique du Monde, a publié un article de Nathan Noiry, membre de datacraft, intitulé "Des biais de représentativité en intelligence artificielle". Il évoque un atelier datacraft qu’il a animé avec Yannick Guyonvarch. L’objectif était d’introduire...

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datacraft in Archéologia

datacraft in Archéologia

The magazine Archéologia has published an article as part of a datacraft collaboration between Sorbonne University, the French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, Vinci Autoroutes and for its March 2021 issue.

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Representativeness bias in artificial intelligence

datacraft in binaire

We met Serge Abiteboul, Director of Research at Inria and ENS Paris and editor of binaire, Le Monde’s leading blog on computer science and digital issues.

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